
Training seminar "50/50" for specialists from authorities and public organizations of the CIS Member States working with youth 2023

Training seminar
22.12.2023 - 26.12.2023
Russia, Samara
Training seminar

The training seminar "50/50" for specialists from authorities and public organizations of the CIS Member States working with youth was held from December 22 to 26, 2023 in Samara.

The format of the training seminar "50/50" involves the participation on an equal basis of representatives of the governmental and non-governmental sectors of the CIS Member States and provides a unique opportunity to work together on common challenges and issues in the field of youth policy, find joint ways to solve them, share experience in working with youth and implement youth projects as well as develop joint initiatives.

In 2023 the event was aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of representatives of public organizations and youth workers of the CIS Member States on the topic of youth participation as a tool for creating positive changes in society.

Representatives of youth public associations, representatives of non-profit organizations working with youth at various levels, government civil servants and employees involved in their daily work with issues related to youth work from Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and others took part in the event.

At the opening of the training seminar the participants were greeted by Grigory Petushkov, the member of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States from the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the National Youth Council of Russia, the Vice-Rector of MIREA – Russian Technological University (the basic organization of the CIS Member States for working with youth). 

He told the participants of the training seminar about the activities of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States and the basic organization of the CIS Member States for working with youth as well as the creation of a unified glossary of terms and concepts in the field of youth policy in the Commonwealth and invited the participants to join this work.

As part of the program the participants:

  • discussed approaches to youth policy and youth work in the Russian Federation and other CIS Member States, got acquainted with the RMSOS model and Roger Hart’s "Ladder of Participation", 
  • compiled a competency profile of a youth worker,
  • identified current forms of youth work during considering various formats and target audiences, 
  • analyzed various forms of youth participation in terms of relevance, effectiveness, attractiveness, inclusiveness and accessibility, 
  • talked about the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of youth policy.

On the last day of the program the delegates as part of international teams developed their project ideas aimed at increasing the level of youth participation and the role of youth in the life of territories in the Commonwealth.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the National Youth Council of Russia and MIREA – Russian Technological University (the basic organization of the CIS Member States for working with youth).